Equipped for Streambank Restoration

Our specialized machinery ensures efficient installation of dormant willow live stakes and native plants for any streambank restoration project.




Tree Installation

Professional Anchorage Tree Installation Services

Erosion Crontrol

We work with you to find the best solution.

Residential Vegetation Screening

Transforming Your Outdoor Space with Natural Privacy Solutions

Installation of Wetland Plugs

Installation in Progress

Streambank Restoration

All Employees Are in Trained Streambank Restoration through the ADFG

Experience Excellence with Alyeska Landscape Professionals: Anchorage’s Premier Landscaping Specialists

For years, Alyeska Landscape Professionals has been a beacon of excellence in the Anchorage landscaping scene, and our track record speaks for itself. With a wealth of experience and a dedication to superior service, we stand out as the go-to choice for all your landscaping needs, whether residential or commercial.

From crafting picturesque residential retreats to revitalizing expansive commercial properties, and leading revegetation projects across Alaska, our expertise is extensive. Anchorage tree installation is a cornerstone of our services, providing your outdoor spaces with the beauty and shade of indigenous and ornamental trees. Our Anchorage Nursery offers a diverse selection of large-sized native and cold hardy ornamental trees and shrubs to ensure that your landscape thrives in Alaska’s unique climate.

Our specialization in residential landscaping focuses on creating outdoor spaces that evoke the rugged charm of Alaska. We excel in custom stone walkways and retention walls, enhancing the natural beauty of your property. For commercial projects, particularly public works, we excel in revegetation efforts, leveraging our deep understanding of local ecosystems to restore and enhance natural landscapes. Additionally, we offer comprehensive commercial landscaping services in Anchorage, ensuring that your commercial property maintains a professional and inviting appearance. At Alyeska Landscape Professionals, our commitment to quality craftsmanship and environmental stewardship knows no bounds.

Sitka Seawalk

Remote Landscaping & Revegetation
Sitka Seawalk Project – Sitka, Alaska

National Park Service

Alyeska Landscape Professionals performed revegetation and commercial landscaping installation work on the Sitka Seawalk extension at Sitka National Historical Park. Alyeksa Landscape Professionals was able to overcome logistical challenges and provide the National Park Service with a quality project.
See more about our Alaska Revegetation Services

See more about our Alaska Commercial Installation Services>


Resurrection Creek Vegetation Restoration Project – Hope, Alaska

Chugach National Forest – USDA

Alyeska Landscape Professionals was hired by Chugach National Forest – USDA  to complete vegetation restoration along the newly restored Resurrection Creek stream corridor for summer 2024.  Procurement and installation of dormant willow live stakes and locally sourced native plant materials for streambank and wetland restoration.
See more about our Alaska Revegetation Services
resurrection creek revegetation progress

Local Commercial Landscaping Installation – Girdwood, Alaska

Alyeska Nordic Spa at Alyeska Resort

Alyeska Landscape Professionals worked in collaboration with Corvus Designs on the landscape design concept for the Nordic Spa at Alyeska Resort. The design includes native plant components and hardy ground covers for the unique Girdwood valley environment. Hardscape materials were also sourced locally and included throughout the Nordic Spa.

See more about our Alaska Commercial Installation Services

Aerial Photo Credit: John Derting

Remote Commercial Landscaping Installation-
Naknek, Alaska

Bristol Bay Community School

During summer 2021, Alyeska Landscape Professionals completed a remote commercial landscape install for Bristol bay Community school in Naknek.

See more about our Alaska Commercial Installation Services

Streambank Restoration Project – Healy, Alaska

The Alaska Railroad

Alyeska Landscape Professionals was hired by The Alaska Railroad for a streambank restoration project in Healy, Alaska. Alyeska Landscape Professionals installed coir logs with dormant willow live staking.

See more about our Revegetation, Restoration & Wetland Mitigation in Alaska