Streambank Restoration

All Employees Are in Trained Streambank Restoration through the ADFG

Revegetation Projects

By Highly Trained Alyeska Landscape Professionals Employees

Erosion Crontrol

Protecting and stabilizing landscapes with effective erosion control techniques.

Installation of Wetland Plugs

Establishing thriving wetland ecosystems with native plant species.

Successful Installation of Wetland Plugs

Achieving healthy wetland environments through expert installation.

Revitalize Alaska: Revegetation Solutions for Lasting Landscapes

What is Revegetation?

Revegetation is the vital process of replanting and rejuvenating disturbed land, crucial for restoring its ecological balance and health. At Alyeska Landscape Professionals, we specialize in partnering with public works and private contractors to tackle a range of revegetation projects.

Here’s how we can make a difference for you:

Installation of Native Wetland Plugs

We provide and install native wetland plugs, promoting the establishment of thriving ecosystems and enhancing biodiversity in wetland areas. Incorporating these plugs into your project supports the local habitat and ecosystem.


At Alyeska Landscape Professionals, we recognize the importance of sustainable solutions that address both revegetation and remediation needs. That’s why we offer phytoremediation as a cutting-edge solution for restoring ecological balance and mitigating environmental damage. 

Our expertise lies in the procurement, storage, and supply of dormant native cottonwood and willow cuttings, perfectly suited for Alaska’s unique environmental challenges. We can also install and maintain phytoremediation projects. 

Learn more about Phytoremediation

Live Staking for Streambank Restoration

Live staking is a method where live but dormant vegetative cuttings, such as willow and cottonwood stakes, are strategically inserted into the soil. These cuttings take root and thrive, promoting vigorous growth and aiding in the restoration of landscapes, particularly for streambank restoration projects.

To guarantee timely implementation, it’s crucial to plan ahead, as we harvest per order. Secure your orders by early March to ensure your restoration efforts are on schedule.

Native Tree and Shrub Procurement and Installation

Alyeska Landscape Professionals not only procures but also expertly installs a diverse range of native trees and shrubs. With our expert knowledge of Alaska ecosystems, we ensure that every tree and shrub selected for your project contributes to the ecological restoration of your landscape. From native white spruce to birch,  each species is carefully chosen to enhance both the beauty and ecological integrity of your revegetation efforts.

Discover Our Tree Installation and Nursery

Watering Maintenance

Ensuring the vitality of newly planted vegetation is crucial. Our comprehensive watering maintenance services are dedicated to sustaining the health of your revegetation projects.

Erosion Control

Combatting erosion is essential for the long-term stability of landscapes. We implement effective erosion control measures to safeguard against soil loss and degradation.

Streambank Restoration

Our Alaska Department of Fish and Game-trained team specializes in revitalizing streambank ecosystems. We utilize innovative techniques like coir logs with dormant willow live staking, tailored to each project’s needs.

Check out our Portfolio to see different projects we’ve done.

Project Spotlight:

A recent highlight of our vegetation restoration work includes:

Resurrection Creek Vegetation Restoration Project- Hope, Alaska

Chugach National Forest – USDA

Alyeska Landscape Professionals is currently undertaking a vegetation restoration project along the newly restored Resurrection Creek stream corridor in 2023. This project involves sourcing and installing dormant willow live stakes along with locally sourced native plant materials to restore streambanks and wetlands.

View our Portfolio to learn more about this revegetation project.

Check out other projects we have done:

Partner with Alyeska Landscape Professionals for your revegetation needs and join us in nurturing a greener, healthier future for Alaska’s landscapes.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can support your next project.